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Foreign representations

updated on February 11, 2025


Diplomatic Mission

High Commission for the Republic of India

10 Springfield Road
Ottawa (Ontario) K1M 1C9
Phone: (613) 744-3751,3752,3753/744-3751(24h)
Fax: (613) 744-3033
Web: www.hciottawa.gov.in - hoc.ottawa@mea.gov.in

Mr. Chinmoy NAIK, Deputy High Commissioner/Acting High Commissioner
   and Mrs. Richa NAIK
Nirbhay BAPNA, Naval Attaché
Anjan BHADRA, Air Attaché
Gaurav SHARMA, Military Attaché
Vibhu TRIPATHI, First Secretary
Sone Lal MALLIK, Second Secretary
Arun BAHUGUNA, Second Secretary
Bijender Singh XXX, Second Secretary
Tarun KUMAR, Second Secretary
Arti VASDEV, Second Secretary
Ram Krishan Pal VERMA, Attaché
Rajeev RANJAN, Attaché
Chaitanya YADAV, Admin and Tech Staff
Dharma Raju BONDA, Admin and Tech Staff
Ravinder KUMAR, Admin and Tech Staff
Srinivasulu MEKALA, Admin and Tech Staff
Lobsang PANDEN, Admin and Tech Staff
Nitesh CHOUDHARY, Admin and Tech Staff
Piyush KUMAR, Admin and Tech Staff
Abhilash KUMAR, Admin and Tech Staff
Rohit XXX, Admin and Tech Staff
Sanjiv KUMAR, Admin and Tech Staff

Consular posts


365 Bloor Street East
Suite 700
Toronto (Ontario) M4W 3L4
Phone: (416) 416-960 0751
Fax: (416) 960-9812
Web: www.cgitoronto.gov.in - cg.toronto@mea.gov.in

Vacant(*), Consul General
Kapidhwaja PRATAP NARAYAN SINGH, Acting Consul General
Manoj SUMRANI, Consul
Sanjeev SAKLANI, Consul
Girish Kumar JUNEJA, Consul
Arun KUMAR, Consul
Himanshu GUPTA, Vice-Consul
Yadram YADAV, Vice-Consul
Rajwinder SINGH, Vice-Consul
Sanjiv KUMAR, Vice-Consul
Parveen JUNEJA, Vice-Consul
Mukesh PURI, Consular Agent
Satya PRAKASH, Consular Employee
Nikhil KUMAR, Consular Employee
Abhishek Kumar SINGH, Consular Employee
Paras Nath RAM, Consular Employee
Shikha THAKUR, Consular Employee
Abhishek RANJAN, Consular Employee

Other representation

ICAO representation


999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard
Suite 14.30
Montréal (Quebec) H3C 5J9
Phone: (514) 954-8274
Fax: (514) 954-0001
Web: - india@icao-delegations.org

Angshumali RASTOGI, Permanent Representative
Sandeep KATHURIA, Technical Expert

* The term "vacant" means that an Ambassador, High Commissioner or a Consul General does not occupy the position of Head of Mission or Head of Post.